The Government has – on 8th June 2021 – published its response to the Highly Protected Marine Areas Review which they had previously commissioned former Environment and Fisheries Minister Richard Benyon to undertake to examine whether and how the strongest protections for areas of sea, known as Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs), could be introduced.
Government Response to the Highly Protected Marine Areas Review
by NW Coastal Forum on June 16, 2021
Defra’s 25 Year Environment Plan Published
by NW Coastal Forum on January 12, 2018
‘A Green Future: Our 25 Year Plan to Improve the Environment’ sets out the UK Government’s commitments to improve the environment within a generation. It sets goals environmental improvements and details how Government will work with businesses and communities to achieve the goals over the next 25 years. The plan sits alongside two other government
Call for Papers – The Atlantic Salmon Trust and The Tweed Foundation
by NWCF on July 18, 2016
The Atlantic Salmon Trust and Tweed Foundation are calling for papers for their conference ‘From Headwater to Headland, Improving smelt survival in rivers and estuaries’ to be held from the 14th to 15th March 2017 in Berwick-Upon-Tweed. Suggested topics include: The impact of predation in freshwater on smolt number Smolt numbers and condition Drivers of
Capturing our Coast News – July 2016
by NWCF on July 17, 2016
Capturing our Coast (CoCoast), a UK based citizen science shore recording project has published a newsletter for July 2016. The surveys are well underway with 250 surveys being undertaken so far with 136 surveyors around the UK coastline. The newsletter features posts regarding: secret forests, fireweed invasion, media releases, top CoCoasters and new species records.
Capturing Our Coast News – April 2016
by NWCF on May 2, 2016
The Capturing Our Coast (CoCoast) project, a UK based citizen science shore recording project has published a newsletter for April 2016. The project has had over 1,000 people attend a CoCoast training day since it launched in January with 30 field support days being run so far with more than 100 people turning up. The newsletter
Newsletter sign up
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