Closes 30th August 2022 Defra is consulting on the proposed principles of marine net gain. They are seeking views, in particular, from marine industries, recreational marine users, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), conservationists, academics, and coastal communities. In their response to the 2018 terrestrial Biodiversity Net Gain consultation, the government stated their intention to develop and consult
Closed – Survey: What’s Happening on the North West Coast 2022?
by NW Coastal Forum on January 8, 2022
The survey has now closed and the Pilot Report is now available – see separate news item. The North West Coastal Forum is pleased to announce it’s receiving funding through the Championing Coastal Coordination fund to create a comprehensive ‘What’s Happening on the North West Coast’ report. This report will bring together strategic actions and
Suffolk Coastal Processes – New report available from The Crown Estate
by NWCF on October 16, 2016
‘The Crown Estate has recently supported work which improves general knowledge of the physical processes off the Suffolk coast. The objective of the most recent study, carried out for The Crown Estate by HR Wallingford, was to provide a new baseline of information for the stretch of coastline from the mouth of the river Deben,
Marine Noise Registry Launched by JNCC and Defra
by NWCF on September 1, 2016
The Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) and Defra have launched the Marine Noise Registry (MNR) which will aim to record human activities in UK seas which produce a frequency between a range of 1oHz and 10kHz. The MNR will primarily be used to collect location and date data on noisy activities during development phases and
Severn Estuary: Long Term Morphology Reports from Crown Estate
by NWCF on August 14, 2016
Two new reports have been published by the Crown Estate regarding physical processes of the Severn Estuary. The reports are labelled: ‘Severn Estuary Long Term Morphology, Synthesis of data and modelling studies’ and ‘Severn Estuary Long Term Morphology, an updated review of baseline changes – report on LiDAR data’. The reports will provide an updated overview
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