On behalf of the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), marine consultancy ABPmer and environmental economics consultancy eftec have recently produced a report providing research into how the implementation of the Ecosystem Approach (EA) can be improved within marine planning. The Marine Policy Statement requires the MMO to adopt an ecosystem approach in planning to reduce human pressures
MMO publishes report – Integration of the Ecosystem Approach into Marine Planning in England
by NWCF on April 30, 2015
Environment Agency publishes report – Quantifying the benefits of flood risk management actions and advice
by NWCF on April 30, 2015
The Environment Agency has an obligation to protect and improve the environment making it a better place for people and wildlife. As part of the Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Research and Development Programme, the Environment Agency has published a report entitled “Quantifying the benefits of flood risk management actions and advice”. The report assesses
31,000 homes and businesses to be better protected from flood risk
by NWCF on April 30, 2015
The UK government has announced it will use £140 million of its £2.6 billion six year flood defence programme to protect over 31,000 homes and businesses from flood risk. In conjunction with the programme, 47 brand new schemes have been given the go ahead as part of the long term investment programme to reduce flood
DEFRA published report reviewing conduct and operations of IFCA 2010-2014
by NWCF on April 30, 2015
As a requirement of the Marine and Coastal Act 2009, The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs published a report in March 2015 reviewing the conduct and operations of ten English Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities (IFCA’S) over a four year period (2010 to 2014). The report presents the legislative context in which IFCA
“Good Fish Guide” updated by Marine Conservation Society
by NWCF on April 30, 2015
The Marine Conservation Society has produced an updated version of its “Good Fish Guide”. The pocket sized document is accessible to the general public, providing information about fish that should and should not be eaten, and fish that can occasionally be eaten to reduce pressures on their stocks. The guide is a small tool that aims to help safeguard
Responses published from Consultation to simplify fishing vessel licensing in England – March 2015
by NWCF on April 20, 2015
The UK Government recently held a consultation for 6 weeks between 15th October and 26th November 2014, reviewing the licensing regime in England to identify potential burdens on both industry and the government. Collectively the Marine Management Organisation and industry representatives generated a series of proposals and amendments to simplify the licensing procedure and reduce
Maritime Affairs & Fisheries E-newsletter Update – February 2015
by NWCF on April 20, 2015
Maritime Affairs & Fisheries has produced its E-newsletter for February 2015. The content of the newsletter includes the following: Council measures to recover sea bass from impacts of recreational fishing, Sustainable fisheries identified within the East Atlantic, North Sea and Baltic Sea, the Seafood Expo Global (Brussels) to improve consumer information and fishery governance, registration
New Report on Social and Economic Assessment Requirements for Development Projects Affecting the Marine Environment
by NWCF on January 25, 2015
A new report has been produced by the Social and Economic Assessment Sub-Group of the Productive Seas Evidence Group (PSEG), which is one of the 4 evidence groups set up as part of the UK Marine Monitoring and Assessment Strategy (UKMMAS). The report – ‘Social and Economic Assessment Requirements for Development Projects Affecting the Marine Environment’ reviews
A Strategic Framework for Scoping Cumulative Effects (MMO 1055)
by NWCF on January 25, 2015
The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) commissinoed NIRAS Consulting Limited, supported by AMEC, to develop a consistent approach to the identification and consideration of cumulative effects that could be applied at the strategic level across all relevant MMO functions. They were asked to look at cumulative effects of marine activities across the strategic, regional and individual project level. The
Solent Forum Newsletter Update – Winter 2014/2015
by NWCF on January 22, 2015
The Solent Forum has issued its newsletter for winter 2014/2015. The content includes a wide range of news from around the Solent as well as relevant national news and items on the work of the Solent Forum itself. It introduces the new Solent Forum Chairman, Peter Barham and covers issues such as development of the South Marine Plan
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