The Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) support team are running a series of workshops for CaBA Partners to provide support and guidance for both the development of Catchment Plans and the capturing of the environmental, social and economic benefits of partnership working. Workshops will be held in the following locations on the following dates: Penrith – 31st Jan 2017
Sandscapes Conference Presentations Available
by NW Coastal Forum on December 15, 2016
The presentations from the North West Coastal Forum’s 2016 biennial conference: Sandscapes – Celebrating the Natural and Cultural Capital of Coastal Landscapes are now available to download below. Around 70 people attended a vibrant and interesting day covering working the benefits of working at a landscape scale and demonstrating what can be achieved, in the
Solway Firth Partnership News – Winter 2016
by NWCF on December 12, 2016
The December 2016 newsletter from the Solway Firth Partnership (SFP) magazine ‘Tidelines’ is now available. The newsletter details successes between at the recent SFP and Solway Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) conference which detailed Energy, Marine Planning, Community and Landscapes and Marine Biodiversity. The newsletter also details an article written by Ann Linguard of ‘Solway Stories’
Showing Support for Working Together at the Celtic Seas Scale
by NW Coastal Forum on November 28, 2016
As the Celtic Seas Partnership project nears completion many of the stakeholders who have been involved with the project have told the project team that they would like to see face-to-face engagement at the Celtic Seas scale continue after the project finishes. In today’s economic climate, getting the resources to make this happen will be
Coastal Partnerships Annual Forum 2016 – presentations available
by NW Coastal Forum on November 21, 2016
The Coastal Partnerships Network Annual Forum is the national continuing professional development event for Coastal Partnership Officers, members of their Steering Groups or Boards and partner representatives. It provides up to date information on the latest legislation and key issues affecting or affected by coastal management and helps to showcase different aspects of the work
State of Nature Report 2016 Published
by NWCF on October 16, 2016
The updated State of Nature Report has been published with the RSPB as a key partner in the report. 50 wildlife organisations have worked together to produce the report which provides a progress report for the UKs native wildlife. Key findings from the report are summarised here: Between 1970 and 2013, 56% of species declined,
Last few places: Sandscapes: celebrating the natural and cultural capital of coastal landscapes, 11th & 12th October, Southport
by NW Coastal Forum on September 2, 2016
The last few places are still available at the North West Coastal Forum’s Biennial Coastal Conference so we’ve extended booking until Friday 7th October. This year our conference is being run as a joint event with the Sefton Coast Landscape Partnership. It’s free-to-attend event and includes a full day field trip to the Sefton coast
#DayAtTheBeach Launched by LOVEmyBEACH
by NWCF on September 1, 2016
LOVEmyBEACH, an environmental awareness organisation, are encouraging people to use the Twitter hashtag #DayAtTheBeach to celebrate summer days at the beach. The hashtag aims to raise awareness of those who take care of beaches in the North West including litter pickers, bin emptiers and life guards. LOVEmyBEACH outlines ways in which beach users can contribute towards cleaner
Save the date: Coastal Partnerships Network Annual Forum 2016 – 9th & 10th November, Durham
by NW Coastal Forum on August 3, 2016
This year’s Coastal Partnerships Network Forum will take place in Durham on Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th November. The venue is the historic Town Hall in the centre of Durham, close to the Durham World Heritage Site. The event will include a field visit to the Durham Heritage Coast to discuss a range of coastal
Solway Firth Partnership News – Summer 2016
by NWCF on July 22, 2016
The July 2016 newsletter from the Solway Firth Partnership magazine ‘Tidelines’ is now available. It features the Marine Management Organisation’s call for evidence and July North West issues and evidence workshops, the new Solway Coastwise project, news about the Brow Well on the Solway coast, the ‘Solway Seafood – Out of the Blue’ exhibition which
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