Closes 29th March The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is currently holding on-line engagement on draft policies and supporting text for marine planning in the north east, north west, south east and south west marine plan areas. The engagement period started in January and has included a range of workshops, including 2 here in the North
Closed 29th March – Still time to comment on North West Marine Plan policies
by NW Coastal Forum on March 23, 2019
North West Marine Plan Posters – for Fishing, Recreation and Communities
by NW Coastal Forum on February 8, 2019
The North West Coastal Forum has produced 4 posters about marine planning giving information about opportunities to help to influence and shape the new North West Marine Plan which is currently being developed by the Marine Management Organisation. Each A4 poster has been developed with a different target audience in mind. They are free to download and
Marine Planning Iteration 3 On-line Engagement and Workshops
by NW Coastal Forum on December 21, 2018
The next round of formal marine planning engagement by the Marine Management Organisation on the developing North West Marine Plan (and others) starts in January 2019. The on-line engagement opens on 21st January and runs until 29th March. It will be supplemented by a series of regional workshops and you are urged to book your
Marine Planning from the Solway to the Dee, 3rd December 2018, Morecambe
by NW Coastal Forum on November 8, 2018
Come along to a free North West Coastal Forum workshop to learn about marine planning, what it means for you and how to have your say in the development of the North West Marine Plan. We will be holding an evening workshop at the iconic Midland Hotel in Morecambe on Monday 3rd December. This evening
Presentations available: ‘Across the Sands of Dee’ Cross-border Marine Planning & Partnership Workshop, Chester, 21st August
by NW Coastal Forum on September 10, 2018
‘Across the Sands of Dee’ was a North West Coastal Forum workshop to explore cross border marine planning policy & partnership working for the Dee Estuary and Liverpool Bay. It was aimed at English and Welsh stakeholders with an interest in a wide range of coastal and marine issues and how these might be affected by
Closed – North West Marine Plan – Iteration 2 Online Engagement and Workshops
by NW Coastal Forum on January 23, 2018
Online Engagement opens on 29th January and closes 29th March 2018 This Spring 2018 the MMO is engaging on iteration 2 of marine planning for the four remaining marine plan regions – the north west, north east, south west and south east. The engagement will focus on: draft marine plan area visions draft options to address
Marine Planning Events coming to a venue near you!
by NW Coastal Forum on January 12, 2018
The Marine Management Organisation is launching a new round of engagement (iteration 2) on the draft visions and options for marine planning in each of the new Marine Plan areas – north west, north east, south west and south east. There will be full day workshops in each marine plan area supported by online engagement,
MMO Marine Planning Newsletter September 2017
by NW Coastal Forum on October 1, 2017
The Marine Management Organisation has published its latest Marine Planning Newsletter. It contains updates on the South and East Marine Plan areas, details of meetings with Jersey and French marine planners and news about what the MMO Marine Officers (Planning) have been up to in each of the remaining 4 marine plan regions, including the
Catching or landing of berried lobsters and crawfish in England
by NW Coastal Forum on October 1, 2017
The Marine Management Organisation has published new statutory guidance on berried lobsters and crawfish – i.e. those carrying eggs. The guidance states that from 1 October 2017 vessels registered in the UK must not fish for berried lobsters (Homarus gammarus) or crawfish (Palinurus elephas and Palinurus mauritanicus) within English waters and must not land lobsters or crawfish at English ports regardless
Opportunities to get involved with inshore fisheries and conservation management
by NW Coastal Forum on September 5, 2017
The Marine Management Organisation is advertising for new voluntary members for the North Western, North Eastern, Sussex, Southern and Cornwall Fisheries and Inshore Conservation Authorities (IFCA). The North Western IFCA is looking for three new members, particularly those with experience and interest in commercial or recreational fishing, the marine environment or other relevant interest and experience.
Newsletter sign up
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