The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has updated the “Coastal Concordat” for England for 2014. The Coastal Concordat comprises of an agreement between the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the Department for Communities and Local Government, the Department for Transport, the Marine Management Organisation, the Environment Agency, Natural England and the Local
Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) Research and Development Programme Update 2014
by NWCF on November 1, 2014
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales and the Welsh Government have come together to work on the Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) Research and Development programme. A “Working with natural processes to reduce flood risk – research and development framework” document has been published which
Environment Agency publishes Third Annual Report on Flood and Coastal Risk Management
by NWCF on October 31, 2014
The Environment Agency has published its third annual report from the Flood and Coastal Risk Management (FCERM) series. The report reviews flood and coastal risk strategies carried out by management authorities between April 2013 and March 2014, highlighting some of its difficulties and successes. For more information about the report follow the link.
iCOASST – Integrating Coastal Sediment Systems Spring Newsletter 2014
by NWCF on July 15, 2014
iCOAST is a 4 year project (2012-2016) that aims to forecast future coastal environmental conditions within the next 100 years. The primary focus of the project is to develop new ways in forecasting long-term changes in coastal sediment systems, which play a vital role in flood and erosion risk management. The summer newsletter presents detailed information
European Environment Agency Newsletter June 2014
by NWCF on July 15, 2014
The European Environment Agency has released its quarterly newsletter for June 2014 which can be accessed following the link below. The contents of the newsletter includes EU policies delivering greenhouse gas emission reductions, Interview with Birgit Georgi about impacts of climate change on European cities, indicators & data updates, EU Report on greenhouse gas emissions,
Indicators and evironmental accounting as tools to assist in Environmental Policy – Reports by European Environment Agency
by NWCF on June 22, 2014
The European Environment Agency (EEA) has produced two reports which demonstarte how indicators and environmental accounting can be used as tools to assist in more effective policy and decsion making. The report discusses how these tools can help set environmental priorities relating to climate change, resource efficiency and ecosystem resilience. Indicators and accounting tools have shown promose in recent years
Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership (MCCIP) produces Report Card “Climate change and the UK marine leisure industry”
by NWCF on May 6, 2014
The Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership (MCCIP) has produced a Report Card called “Climate change and UK marine leisure industry” as part of the Marine Climate Smart Working initiative. The production of the Report Card was assisted by the British Marine Federation (BMF) and the Environment Agency’s Climate Ready support services. The report documents the
European Environment Agency produces report on current state of Europe’s coastal environments
by NWCF on May 6, 2014
The European Environment Agency has recently produced a report discussing the current state of Europe’s coastal regions. Coastal regions are essential for Europe’s economy, generating around 40% of its GDP. The natural assets that provide for the European economy continue to degrade as a result of increasing human activity. Such activities include resource extraction, shipping,
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