Tag Archives: consultation

Consultation Outcome: Proposal to remove Roanhead and Askam in Furness beaches from the list of designated bathing waters

Defra has published the summary of responses and the outcome of their consultation on the de-designation of the Roanhead and Askam in Furness bathing waters. Outcome: both Askam in Furness and Roanhead will be removed from the list of bathing waters with effect from the 2014 bathing season on the grounds of concerns about public

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Coastal Management in North West England – a case study of changing stakeholder dynamics

A big thank you from the North West Coastal Forum to all who took the time to take part in this research! We had a great response and this should really help to move the work of the North West Coastal Forum forward. The research is being conducted by Pamela Buchan, who is doing a Masters degree

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North West Coastal Forum Response to Bathing Water Season Length Consultation

NWCF Response to the Informal Consultation on Sustainable Development Indicators

NWCF Response to the Consultation on Marine Conservation Zones

Accessing the North West Coast June 2011 Event & Consultation Report

UK Marine Policy Statement – consultation response

The North West Coastal Forum’s response to Defra’s consultation on the UK’s Marine Policy Statement. October 2010

Marine Planning System for England – consultation response

North West Coastal Forum’s response to Defra’s Marine Planning System for England consultation document. October 2010