Tag Archives: conservation

State of Nature Report 2016 Published

The updated State of Nature Report has been published with the RSPB as a key partner in the report. 50 wildlife organisations have worked together to produce the report which provides a progress report for the UKs native wildlife. Key findings from the report are summarised here: Between 1970 and 2013, 56% of species declined,

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#SwitchTheStick Campaign Launched

City to Sea have recently launched a campaign called #SwitchTheStick which is currently petitioning against using plastic in cotton buds. Cotton buds are increasingly being washed up on beaches around the world as it is thought that people flush them down the toilet which then make their way through our sewers and eventually into the sea. These

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Government Announces Microbeads Ban

The government have recently announced plans to ban microbeads found in cosmetics and personal care products. These tiny pieces of plastic, commonly referred to as microbeads, once washed down the drain often make it into the marine environment which build up and are swallowed by marine life. The government is starting to collect evidence on other

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#DayAtTheBeach Launched by LOVEmyBEACH

LOVEmyBEACH, an environmental awareness organisation, are encouraging people to use the Twitter hashtag #DayAtTheBeach to celebrate summer days at the beach. The hashtag aims to raise awareness of those who take care of beaches in the North West including litter pickers, bin emptiers and life guards. LOVEmyBEACH outlines ways in which beach users can contribute towards cleaner

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MCS Great British Beach Clean 16th-19th September 2016

The Marine Conservation Society (MCS) is hosting their annual Great British Beach Clean which will be from Friday 16th to Monday 19th September. So far there are more than 200 events listed around the UK over the long weekend. During the beach cleans there is also an opportunity to survey litter in a defined area which

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#BinItForBeaches Campaign Launched

#BinItForBeaches is a nationwide campaign that was recently launched by the national bathing water campaign group to raise awareness of the implications of leaving waste at the coast. The campaign aims to highlight the problems associated with litter left on the beach which can be unsightly and detract from people visiting the coast. The campaign also

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Environment Audit Committee Inquiry: Marine Protected Areas Revisited

Deadline for written submissions: 7th October 2016, 5 p.m. (no longer than 3000 words, must be submitted via the online portal) The Environmental Audit Committee is calling for evidence on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the UK and the Overseas Territories. This inquiry follows on from two previous inquiries: Marine Protected Areas and Sustainability in

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MCS ‘Wet Wipes Turn Nasty When You Flush Them’ Campaign Launched

The Marine Conservation Society (MCS) have launched their ‘wet wipes turn nasty when you flush them’ campaign to highlight the problems associated with wet wipes and to demand better labelling by retailers. During the 2015 MCS Big Beach Clean over 4,000 wet wipes were picked up around UK coastlines, a 400% rise in the past decade.

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Job: Marine Community Engagement Officer (Lancashire)

Closing Date: 4th July The North West Wildlife Trusts are advertising a new part-time (15 hours contract) job: Marine Community Engagement Officer. The Officer, to be based with the Wildlife Trust for Lancashire, Manchester and North Merseyside at the Fylde Borough Council, will develop and deliver a programme of work for a community based project

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Morecambe Bay Shifting Sands Symposium – 18th & 19th July 2016

Morecambe Bay Partnership is hosting a two day ‘Shifting Sands Symposium’ to be held on the 18th and 19th July in Kendal, Cumbria. The symposium will explore the management and monitoring of sand dunes and shingle around Morecambe bay with site visits to Walney Island the Fylde coast. The event is ran by a partnership which

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