Tag Archives: Climate change

Past Event: The Shape of the North West Coast Conference – 12 & 13 June, Southport

Book by 25th May. The North West & North Wales Coastal Group and the North West Regional Monitoring Programme are holding a ‘Shape of the North West Coast’ conference on the 12th and 13th June  2018 in Southport. This free, 2 day event aims to bring together all those with an interest in coastal risk management

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Defra’s 25 Year Environment Plan Published

‘A Green Future: Our 25 Year Plan to Improve the Environment’ sets out the UK Government’s commitments to improve the environment within a generation. It sets goals environmental improvements and details how Government will work with businesses and communities to achieve the goals over the next 25 years.  The plan sits alongside two other government

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Rising Sea Levels – 2 New Government Publications

The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology publishes a range of POSTnotes on various science and technology issues. These notes are intended to provide independent, balanced and accessible briefings on public policy issues relating to science and technology. A new POSTnote on Rising Sea Levels – POSTnote 555 – discusses the impacts of sea level rise on the frequency

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ICES Newsletter Update – December 2016

The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) has published their newsletter for December 2016. The content of the newsletter includes the following: Understanding high CO2 worlds Collaboration from ocean to plate Giving culture a place within marine planning space Master methods for MSY proxies More information from the newsletter can be found

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National Flood Resilience Review Published

The Government’s National Flood Resilience Review has recently been published. The review includes: £12.5 million for new temporary defences, such as barriers and high volume pumps, at seven strategic locations around the country. By this winter, the Environment Agency (EA) will have four times more temporary barriers than last year. Utility companies’ commitment to increase flood protection

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UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2017 Evidence Report

The Committee on Climate Change have released their Synthesis report, UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2017 Evidence Report (CCRA): priorities for the next five years. Key messages from the report detail that: The global climate is changing, with greenhouse gas emissions from human activity the dominant cause. Global emissions will need to peak soon and then

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Updating the Cost of Storm and Flood Events

By reflecting on the cost of storms which affected England and Wales from winter 2013 to 2014, the Environment Agency has been able to update their rapid cost calculator which aims to provide a better estimation of the economic and financial costs of future storm events. The best cost estimate from the winter of 2013 to 2014 was

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Wanted: budding scientists to capture our coast!

People with a passion for the UK’s coastline are being invited to help make history by being part of the largest coastal marine citizen science project ever undertaken. The £1.7m Capturing Our Coast project, funded through the Heritage Lottery Fund, is designed to further our understanding of the abundance and distribution of marine life around

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Burbo Bank Extension Community Fund now open to applications 2015

In December 2104 Dong Energy began building an extension for Burbo Bank offshore wind farm, located within Liverpool Bay off the North West Coast of England. Dong Energy has devoted itself to a Community Fund worth approximately £225,000 each year for the duration of the project. After an thorough community consultation process, the Burbo Bank

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UK Government consents construction of Tidal Lagoon in Swansea Bay

A £1 billion tidal lagoon project within Swansea Bay will become a reality as the UK government has given consent for its construction.  The tidal lagoon will generate multiple benefits, providing clean renewable energy and recreational, leisure and tourism facilities for cycling, walking, angling, rowing and sailing to help create investment and job opportunities. The

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